Pure Punching Workout



Pure Punching Workout

Tommy Duquette





Total Punch Goal


Nothing but punches in this boxing workout with Tommy Duquette.

The Six (6) Boxing Punch Numbers

Boxing consists of six punches performed in various combinations. The punches include the jab, cross, lead hook, rear hook, lead uppercut, and rear uppercut. Although these movements may be simplistic in nature—the mastery of these punches is critical to boxing success.

Here’s what the numbers refer to in traditional boxing:

1 = The Jab
2 = The Cross
3 = The Lead Hook
4 = The Rear Hook
5 = The Lead Uppercut
6 = The Rear Uppercut

When the numbers above are displayed with a “b” next to them, that connotes throwing a punch to the body. So, 1b = a jab to the body, and so on.

Workout Info Detail View:


  • fast feet+1 + Cross (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • up/down (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • jumping jack (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • punch across body (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Rest Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)


  • Jab + Jab (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + Jab + Cross + Cross (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + Cross + Jab + Cross (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + Cross + Jab + Cross + back + Jab + Cross (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + Cross + slip r + slip l + roll l + roll l (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + Cross + Jab + Cross + back + Jab + Cross (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Rest Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)


  • Jab + Cross (coast for 30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • slip r + slip l + roll + roll + Lead Hook + Rear Hook + Lead Hook + Rear Hook (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • boxers bounce (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Lead Uppercut to the Body + Rear Uppercut to the Body (power coast for 30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • slip r + slip l + roll + roll + Lead Hook + Rear Hook + Lead Hook + Rear Hook + Lead Hook + Rear Hook (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + Cross (coast for 30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Rest Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)


  • Jab + Jab + back + Jab + Cross + Lead Uppercut + Cross + Lead Hook + Cross (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • boxers bounce+pot shot (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + Jab + back + Jab + Cross + Lead Uppercut + Cross + Lead Hook + Cross (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • boxers bounce+pot shot (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + Jab + back + Jab + Cross + Lead Uppercut + Cross + Lead Hook + Cross (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • boxers bounce+pot shot (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Rest Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)


  • Jab + Cross + slip r + slip l + roll + roll + Lead Hook + Rear Hook + Lead Hook + Rear Hook (35 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Lead Uppercut to the Body + Rear Uppercut to the Body (power coast for 25 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + Cross + slip r + slip l + roll + roll + Lead Hook + Rear Hook + Lead Hook + Rear Hook (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Lead Uppercut to the Body + Rear Uppercut to the Body (power coast for 30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + Cross + slip r + slip l + roll + roll + Lead Hook + Rear Hook + Lead Hook + Rear Hook + Lead Hook + Rear Hook (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Lead Uppercut to the Body + Rear Uppercut to the Body (power coast for 30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Rest Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)


  • Jab + 2&squat hold (coast for 30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • plank - Punch (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + 2&squat hold (coast for 30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • plank - Punch (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + 2&squat hold (coast for 30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • plank - Punch (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Rest Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)


  • Jab + Jab + back + Jab + Cross + Lead Uppercut + Cross + Lead Hook + Cross + back + Jab + Cross (60 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + 2&squat hold (coast for 30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • boxers bounce+pot shot (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + 2&squat hold (coast for 30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)
  • Jab + Jab + back + Jab + Cross + Lead Uppercut + Cross + Lead Hook + Cross + back + Jab + Cross (30 seconds) Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)


  • Light Jump Rope (30 seconds)

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